Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I hope to post somewhat regularly on here - I think I'll shoot for once a month for the time being. I'll be keeping projects updated on the regular.
I wanted to start this off with a thank you to everyone who made this site possible!
First and foremost, a huge thank you to Andre for always cheering me on and encouraging me, even when we're both on down days. You're a great friend and I'm so fortunate to have you in my life. You're a huge help with editing and story creation. I can't wait for the projects we're planning together, we're gonna do great things!
Thank you to Kelly for always being there to help me with my short stories and agreeing to take on my novel for editing even with your busy work and kids schedule. You're always there to bounce creative ideas! Another amazing friend I'm lucky to have.
Thank you to Cinnabar Moth Publishing for being the first press to publish my work. You all are lovely to work with and really kick started my motivation for writing. Hopefully I'll have more work coming your way!
Finally, thank you to all the artists who provided the amazing artwork across this site! @anton_prusov for the wonderful background image, @byloizeunice for the current photo for The Secrets that Kill Us, and Jan for the beautiful pieces of my author pic, Mya (my pupper), and the phoenix in this post.